Wall Decor, Hanging Tips

Posted on April 14, 2015 by GAS Admin | 0 comments

A couple of quick tips to follow when hanging your map prints.

1. Do not hang your prints too high. This is a common mistake and doing so will not only look odd but it will eliminate your ability to truly appreciate the detail in your map print. Always hang them so the center of your print is at eye level.

2. In areas where people sit such as a living room, prints should be placed slightly lower since you will be viewing your map prints from a lower focal point. A rule of thumb when hanging your prints in a "Sitting" room would be to hang your prints so the bottom of the frame rests approximately 5 inches above the back of your couch.

We hope this helps and we will be posting tips frequently so make sure to check back often!

Posted in art hanging, how to hang art, Wall decor hanging



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